My childhood experiences living in Tanzania certainly gave me a love of different cultures. In Dar es Salaam we got to mingle not only with Swahili speaking Africans but also alot of Indian Africans. Back in the 60's there were alot of Europeans in Dar working for international companies and their own governments. My family still keeps in contact with familes we meet in the expat community.
This photo of me and my siblings is taken at the village museum in Dar. My brother and sister are front and centre, close to the action. I am a bit more reserved, observing from further back, taking it all in before getting closer. Quiet observation is one of my strengths as an architect.
We were fortunate to visit the Leakey's camp at Olduvai Gorge while on safari. There a two things I remember most about this visit, their Dalmatian dogs and being able to hold a Zinjanthropus skull.
I feel in love with the idea of becoming an archiologist or an anthropologist on those safaris. I didn't follow either of these career paths but in many way they have alot in common with architecture especially anthropology.
When I got to architecture school I loved the papers on architecture from other countries and cultures.
All this has stood me in good stead when designing space for different clients, especially those projects involving heritage buildings or clients from other countries, who I have been lucky to work with.
If you want to work with an architect who can understand you, wherever you are from, come talk to me.
I am Graeme Jacobs and I design high performance SIP prefab and character heritage renovations.