Some of the SIP panels I got for making 1:1 detail models were rebates but others needed rebating.
As the panels were small this was a reasonably quick task.
Back in the day in North America rebating SIP was one of the jobs a carpenter had to carry out after cutting panels on site
These days the panels come pre- rebated from the manufacturer.
However, some times changes need to be made and it is possible to do this on site rather than sending the panels to be altered back to the manufacturer.
On my Castlehill bach we decided to install a skylight after panel manufacture. Cutting and rebating the panels for this change did not take long, but of course it is always better to get the design right first time.
The thing is changes in SIP after manufacture are able to be accommodated within reason.
Formance lent me a hot knife to rebate the panels. The tool has a blade or wire that is bent to the required width then installed into the tool at the required depth.
Next stage is to install the timber plates.
If you are interested in a high performance build especially one with SIP Prefab come talk to me.