I have always loved the outdoors, I started off tramping which progressed to climbing easy peaks and winter tramping with the Peninsular Tramping Club. In 1982 while still at high school I joined the Canterbury Mountaineering
Club and am now a life member.
As a young climber I enjoyed some really great CMC instruction courses and trips. I helped with CMC work parties, painting huts and digging long drops.
Now as a mature mountaineer I again contribute to the CMC and have taken over the role of Huts on the CMC Committee.
In 2012 the CMC saved Lockwood Shelter from demolition by DOC. Lockwood is located at Temple Basin in Arthur's Pass Nation Park. The shelter is a memorial to George Gerard Lockwood 1899-1968. George was a pioneer mountaineer, skier and lover of the high hills. The shelter was dedicated in 1972.
The shelter is used by day walkers in summer and day skiers in winter. Many trampers and climbers in Canterbury will have used the shelter during snow craft courses at Temple Basin where they learnt to use ice axe and crampons.
The CMC has painted the exterior once since taking over management but the time has come for a more significant renovation over three stages
Stage 1 Reroof
Stage 2 Cladding and windows
Stage 3 Interior
In February the shelter will be re-roofed.
The work is jointly funded by the Back Country Trust ( BCT ), New Zealand Alpine Club ( NZAC ) Tupiki Trust and CMC.
The BCT will project manage with CMC providing volunteers, QS and myself as Architect.
A couple of weeks ago I went to Lockwood with Ewan the QS to remove some roofing to determine the design and condition of the roof structure. Despite the heavy rust the structure was in good condition.
It was a great day for a walk and the view was pretty good as well.
If you want to work on your own back country project with an Architect who is a keen outdoors person give me a call.