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ALTERATIONS AND ADDITIONS - 6 Things to consider

Alteration work is very rewarding, it provides many benefits and opportunities.

This project in Avonhead, Christchurch is surrounded by houses designed in the late 60’s and early 70’s by architects working in the Christchurch Style. The home has a steeply pitched roof, dark stained weatherboards and exposed concrete block.

While this project is not a heritage building it is designed by Holger Henning Hansen a Danish Architect who emigrated to NZ and completed many fine buildings such as CoCA Gallery (former CSA Gallery) in Glouster Street.

1 - Retaining community character
By retaining character buildings, we maintain the character of an area, the whole (community) being more than the sum of the parts (individual dwellings). Any loss of good buildings in a character area degrades the character of the whole area.

2 - Conserving heritage
When we retain heritage buildings, we retain our history and the storey of the places we live.  When altering heritage buildings careful consideration needs to be taken of the buildings heritage before carrying out new work.

3 - Design has a strong starting point
When working on a well-designed building you already have a strong starting point for the project brief. There is a form with a particular style and pallet of materials and these can inform the design of the alterations and addition to be carried out.

4 - Making a statement vs blending new with the old
An important design decision needs to be whether to make the new interventions stand out statements or whether they should blend with the existing architectural language. In this project the new work is hard to distinguish from the original building. It will be obvious to an Architect and Client who has memory of what went before.

5 - Sustainability
Saving and upgrading existing structures rather than demolishing them has the potential to be a sustainable choice assuming the extent of work is not so great as to make the renovation unsustainable.

6 - Health and comfort
There are opportunities to improve insulation, heating and ventilation to make a healthy, warm, dry and comfortable home. Improved comfort is a strong driver for clients who while they love their home want it to be warmer and dryer.

If you need help with an alteration or addition to the home you love come talk to me.

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Taylors Ave House

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Dunrobin Place

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The Fendalton House