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GJA GodsalHouse 4

“We choose to work with Graeme because we like his thoughtful approach. He’s a deep thinker who comes up with sensible, elegant solutions.”

Sari Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

“Right at the very end of our build, Graeme went around and checked everything. He had a list with dozens of tiny little meticulous fixes, things we would never have noticed. It reflected his personal commitment to the project. Certainly, we had the feeling that he had a vested interest in the project. It never felt like it was just another house that he’d designed.”

The homeowners, Fendalton Build, Christchurch

“Graeme got our home exactly right. It's quiet and well-insulated. In the middle of summer on hot days, no sun came in through the windows. If we kept the doors shut, it was warm, not hot. We’re noticing now we're getting into autumn how sun's beginning to come through and warm the floor.”

Sari Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

“Without an architect like Graeme, we wouldn't have got the moments of surprise and joy. When you work with an architect, you get a whole lot of extra things you don't realise you're going to get.”

Steve Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

“Graeme has crafted all these lovely little touches we don't realise are there until we use them. Stunning details we’d never get in a house that hadn't been designed by someone who really knows what they’re doing.”

Sari Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

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Taylors Ave House

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Dunrobin Place

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The Fendalton House