
Architect Graeme Jacobs

Beautiful, high-performance, forever homes

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Architect design & build services

“We choose to work with Graeme because we like his thoughtful approach. He’s a deep thinker who comes up with sensible, elegant solutions.”

Sari Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

A home where you can live your best life

Forever homes

You’ve plenty of life experience and you know what you like. You’ve climbed the property ladder, renting, renovating, and you’re fed up with cold, unhealthy homes. You’re ready to build a house that meets your needs now and in the future, a forever home for the rest of your life.

Family homes

You’ve got young children and you’re ready to build your family home. There’s a lot to consider, and you want to get it right. The kids might be little now, but soon they'll be teens, and then they'll leave home and come back for visits. You want to design for all the ages and stages of life.

You appreciate design and attention to detail

Maybe you’ve worked with an architect before, or you want something better than a boring subdivision box, and need help to bring your dream to life.
Either way, you appreciate the full spectrum of good design, from the joy and delight of the details an architect brings to a home, to the comfort and low power bills that come with integrating high-performance home principles.

Let's get started

Get the support you need to build your forever home

As your architect, I’m here to be your trusted advisor. I help you build to your budget, understand the design and build process, obtain consents, and choose the right consultants for your team. 
I offer full architect services including design, documentation, and overseeing construction. I can help you select materials and fittings, design joinery, and advise on elements of interior design. I’m happy to work with difficult sites, and with challenging geotech or resource consent requirements.

The Design & Build Process

Balance between high-performance and design that brings joy

High performance is about more than energy efficiency. I start with passive house principles, then consider your whole building. Your building envelope, structural integrity, and context are all essential to your quality of life. 
Beauty is also important. Passive homes tend to be boxes with tiny windows. They’re high-performing machines, but you may want to live in a more interesting space. I’m all about balancing an efficient home with delight.


Getting the right team for your building project is key

You want a team of consultants who work well together. Communication is fundamental, and it’s best if your architect, engineers, and builder have a tried and tested partnership. I’m happy to work with your experts or recommend consultants and contractors and help you appoint the right team.

Craftsmanship and practicality combined

Architecture is so much more than drawing plans – It’s about designing beautiful, comfortable spaces where you can live your best life. A home that suits you so perfectly, you’ll never want to live anywhere else.

I combine the craftsmanship of hand drawn plans with getting my boots dirty on site, because I care about creating the forever home you deserve.

“We didn’t want a cookie cutter house. We'd come from an architect designed house. We weren’t willing to compromise on something that wasn't bespoke. This is our forever home. We’re not planning to go anywhere, so we wanted to get it right.”

Sari Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

“Without an architect like Graeme, we wouldn't have got the moments of surprise and joy. When you work with an architect, you get a whole lot of extra things you don't realise you're going to get.”

Steve Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

“Graeme has crafted all these lovely little touches we don't realise are there until we use them. Stunning details we’d never get in a house that hadn't been designed by someone who really knows what they’re doing.”

Sari Lester, Avonhead Build, Christchurch

“With some architects, it’s their way or the highway. But Graeme describes himself as the builder's architect. He respects our skills and says, if you've got a better way to do it, you tell me. That openness was at the forefront throughout our project. There was a lot of collaboration and give and take.”

Kade Atkinson, Team Lead, John Garlick Builders, Avonhead Build

“Graeme is one of the most knowledgeable architects we know. We come away from meetings with him and comment on how experienced and wise he is.”

The homeowners, Fendalton Build, Christchurch

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Taylors Ave House

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Dunrobin Place

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The Fendalton House